About Venerable Clyde Jarudhammo – Vipassana Ajahn
In 2012 he moved to Wat Sriboonruang in Fang, Thailand, for intensive meditation practice. After training as a yogi, he was ordained as a novice Buddhist monk on 4 July 2012 and fully ordained as Venerable Ajahn Clyde Jarudhammo on 16 July 2013.
From 2012 to 2013, Venerable Clyde received training from the abbot of Wat Sriboonruang, Phra Maha Dr. Apisit, and Venerable Nanadhaja Bhikkhu (who was trained at Wat Pharthat Doi Sutep) and administered and taught at the meditation centre during that time.
In November 2013, Venerable Clyde moved to Wat Phrathat Sri Chom Thong to study vipassana meditation intensively for three years.
At Wat Chom Thong, he received direct training from Phra Ajahn Kruba Suksaan, Phra Ajahn Narvi (trained at Wat Rampoeng) and Venerable Ajahn Thong Sirimangalo, a monk of 72 years, a direct disciple of Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw and Venerable U Pandita, and one of the world’s foremost living meditation masters, being one of only six living monks to hold the title of Great Noble Meditation Master conferred by the Myanmar government (Aggamahakammatthanacariya).
Venerable Clyde is one of the only western monks to complete both 50-day Vipassana instructor’s retreat and the only western monk to complete the 90-day instructor’s retreat at Wat Phrathat Sri Chom Thong. Venerable Clyde went on to train in the mechanics of vipassana instruction, covering all aspects of leading a retreat and guiding yogis.